Full Time
9 am - 5 pm
The role of the Employee Assistance Plan Manager is to administer these programs, intervene when necessary, and to enhance the health and wellbeing of all employees. This role is most often found in larger companies, or those who have the resources to fund such robust programs. Looking at the employee as a human being instead of just a corporate number is the job of the employee assistance plan manager.
An employer-sponsored employee assistance plan (EAP) is a work-based program that is designed to intervene when employees are experiencing personal problems that may be affecting their performance at work, specifically, marital, financial or emotional problems, family issues, or substance abuse. EAPs may also offer legal assistance, referrals, adoption assistance, elder care help, wellness programs and more.
Employee assistance plans help not only the employee, but also their immediate family members or people living in their homes (dependents).
Human resources means your company appreciates the people who work there as a valuable resource, and this means that their mental state and the health and well-being of those closest to them is of utmost importance if they are to be successful at work. That said, employers have a vested interest in making sure no outside issues are impacting work performance, and that is where EAPs come in.